Postcard - Skunk
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Striped Skunk
Mephitis mephitis, Greiner Ranch, Kerr County, Texas
You can smell Striped Skunks (“Pole Cats”) from a mile away! The Greiners provides their wild neighbors with a free, “All You Can Eat Buffet” every night at the ranch. This Skunk was
photographed from behind a glass door to avoid getting sprayed. The Skunk raised its flared tail over its head, in response to an approaching raccoon. This dramatic display (with clicking teeth) scared the much larger raccoon away! Skunks should be avoided because their noxious anal glands can spray up to 15’ away! The odor can remain for weeks! The nocturnal mammals are a primary carrier of rabies. Notify authorities if a skunk appears to have lost its fear of humans, or seen in the daytime.